If we had wanted to spend the first four days to Hawaii sailing upwind
in chop we would have done TransPac. Pac Cup is supposed to be one day
of reaching and then downwind from there. Oh well. We held our own on
day one somehow able to sail upwind with the larger boats. We don't
think that we were that lucky last night. We do not expect a pleasant
roll-call standing this morning. Our time will come. It looks like we
are about a day and a half from finally setting a spin and heading
downwind. We packed approx. 4000 cal worth of food per person per day
expecting to work it off trimming downwind. Instead, each one of us
could probably win Nathan's by the time we get to the islands.
The boat is running well, the new instrument placement makes driving at
night much better. The weather is cool but not too wet. Heavy cloud
cover and we don't expect to see the sun til Sunday.
We'll send sunshine from Santa Fe but then you get to deal with the eclipse Mike! Uncontrollable urging onward! Go get em! Take one for EMC2! H