Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day Eight

Has been a wild 24 hours! We set a new boat speed record of 26knts- the water flies up vertical from the hullsides and a rooster tail pops up and then a harmonic sounds from the keel and rudder. Urge is alive and loving these conditions.

The water is much warmer now- so getting soaked is not so bad. Just like a lightly warm bath. We finally have a bit of sunshine so are taking the oppty to dry things out. Right now we look more like a floating laundromat than race boat.

Today we must head further north. The grib files are showing very light air south of Hawaii and if we try to go through it may take a week to get there. Instead, we will go north and add an extra 200 miles. New ETA is the 18th.

Roll call this morning on the SSB confirmed that many of the northern boats gained on us as we came up. We are still in second boat for boat, but well in first place for corrected time.

We also heard that a boat in our class, Rhumb Boogie- had broken a backstay and was now sailing to Hawaii with a double reefed main and no spinnaker. That would suck as it took place almost exactly in the middle of the Pacific. My guess is that it will take them two weeks to get into Hawaii. We wish them smooth sailing- we met them at the dock in San Francisco and they seemed like a very cool crew.

Update: Have not seen any boats or planes the last six days and now there is one converging with us! Hope that it is Andromeda. Appears to be a very large boat. Would be very cool to race them to the finish line. We will gybe and follow them- they are about a mile in front of us.

(Sent Tuesday, July 13, 2010 11:26 PM)

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